Mexico City, Mexico
Date: 2nd,Sep 2016
Country: Mexico City, Mexico
Project name: 2sets 5Ton Self-aligning Rotator + 1set 40Ton Self-aligning Rotator
Detailed description: North American is one of Sanlian's big market. Sanlian has lots of customers in Canada, United States and Mexico. The Mexican customer was very urgent about this project, so they want us to deliveryed the turning rolls to them as soon as possible. At the first time , we need 20days to sent the 3sets turning rolls , but the customer said they want us to ship within a week.
Due to it is the first time we do business with this customer , so our Managing Director Jason arranged the production depaertment do overtime work till finish the job.
Finally, we deliveryed the 3sets turning rolls within 7days to Ramirez. The customer was pleased with our job then place another $65,000 order after they got the machine.
Never let your customer down is Sanlian's goal !