Kapp Schwäif Schweess Positioner
Séier Detailer:
Typ: Kapp Schwäif Schweess Positioner
Mark: Sanlian Schwéierindustrie
Konditioun: 100% fuschneie
Modell Zuel: HBJS
Kapazitéit: 1000kg-500.000 kg
Begräifen: (1) Head Bezuchssystem (1) Schwäif Bezuchssystem (1) Kontrolléiere Këscht mat dem Rot
Volt: 110V-600V
Painting Faarf: Yellow & Blue / Yellow & Grey / Yellow & Black / Red Black &
Plaz vun Urspronk: Wuert, China (Kontinent)
Head Tail Schweess Positionergrouss an losen Schweess, wéi Marine, Ueleg & Gas benotzt; Offshore, Petro Chemeschen; Risotto Heat Exchanger; Reprochéiert Loft kal; Drock pompelen; Chaudière; Päif System & Steel Wierker etc.
Produkt beschreiwung
Head-Tail Stock Welding positioner consists of turning and overturning mechanism of working table .Turning and overturning make the workpiece to reach a reasonable welding and fitting angle by the elevating of the working table,the turning of the working table is frequency conversion which can get a satisfactory welding speed.Because of the offset from center and gravity center ,To the longer and more offset from gravity center workpiece large model should be chosen.
Technical Parameter
This type Head-tail stock welding positioner is customized.
Please contact the sales to ask for the detail technical parameters or provide your technical information to our sales.
Select the accessries you need
1) Foot Panel
2) Wireless Control Panel
3) Three jaws self-clamp chuck