Дум Сарвари кафшер Positioner
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Намуди: Дум Сарвари кафшер Positioner
Бренд: саноати Heavy Sanlian
Аҳволи: 100% бренди нав
Рақами модел: HBJS
Иқтидори: 1000kg-500,000 кг
Иборат аст: (1) чорчӯбаи Сарвари (1) чорчӯбаи Дум (1) қуттии назорати панел бо дасти
Шиддат: 110V-600V
Ранг Ранги: Yellow & Blue / Yellow & Грей / Yellow & Black / Сурх & Black
Ҷои аслӣ: Wuxi, Чин (щитъа)
Дум Сарвари кафшер Positionerасосии истифода дар кафшери силиндраи, ба монанди Marine, нафт & газ; Оффшорӣ, Petro химиявї; Судї Exchanger Гармӣ; Ситонида сардтар ҳаво; Зарфи Фишор; дегхонаи; Системаи қубур & Steel кор ва ғайра
Тавсифи Маҳсулот
Head-Tail Stock Welding positioner consists of turning and overturning mechanism of working table .Turning and overturning make the workpiece to reach a reasonable welding and fitting angle by the elevating of the working table,the turning of the working table is frequency conversion which can get a satisfactory welding speed.Because of the offset from center and gravity center ,To the longer and more offset from gravity center workpiece large model should be chosen.
Technical Parameter
This type Head-tail stock welding positioner is customized.
Please contact the sales to ask for the detail technical parameters or provide your technical information to our sales.
Select the accessries you need
1) Foot Panel
2) Wireless Control Panel
3) Three jaws self-clamp chuck